This past week was an absolute blessing for our ministry. We have many people to thank and lots to share.
Annual board meeting
Our annual board of directors meeting went great. This meeting is always held the first or second week of March and it's the one time of year that all of our seven board members can join together in person for a few days. We hold this multi-day meeting in Tennessee at a rented cabin where we can be together with our families.

Howard Dye was confirmed to continue as our board chairman and Ron Brooks was voted in as our new treasurer. We want to thank pastor Steve Dixon for his hard work in this position for the past few years as he was instrumental in building the budgeting process that we have in place.
During the meetings we voted on our new budget, allocated funds for special projects, discussed details about the village, and much more. This meeting is a critical part of our year and really helps "move the ball down the field."
Live Fundraiser
Our annual fundraiser concluded on Thursday evening of the board meeting. God once again blessed us tremendously and we almost reached our goal of $150,000. As of yesterday, a total amount of $144,930 had been given.

We are extremely thankful for each and every gift. Thank you to all the families, churches, and businesses who gave. Your generosity is the fuel that helps us continue to bless the hundreds of people we minister to each year.
People from at least thirteen states gave to the fundraiser. Alabama, Georgia, and Maryland led the way in giving and we even had one generous gift from overseas. God is so good!
One saved
Last Wednesday, a gentleman who was living in a local motel, walked to our midweek church service. After the service, our outreach specialist, Tim Klein, was able to lead him to the Lord. After that, we helped him with food and another night of shelter. Please pray for him that we would be able to continue helping him.
Thanks again
Thanks again for your prayers and support as we continue to do our best to honor God and reach people for his glory. God is so good and we are thankful for all his goodness.